Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Belated Easter Blessings!

First signs of spring!

I hope that you had a wonderful Easter! Ours was the best Easter ever, of course, since it was Will's first Easter with us. We had a few small Easter egg and candy hunts, as well as a picture of a very scared Will and me with the Easter Bunny. As a special Easter treat, Will had the cutest little Easter outfit ever!

We tried to instill the real Easter story by reading lots of Easter books, but you'd be surprised how hard it is to find a good kid's Christian Easter book. Will also watched Miss Patty Cake's Easter video--super cheesy, but great for little ones. Will sang the songs and danced around the room. Anyone else got ideas on how to help children understand the real meaning of Easter, especially little ones? Please share! It seemed we could think of lots of things for Christmas, but Easter was a little trickier.

Enjoy a few of our favorite Easter pics below. I hope they help you stay in the Easter spirit all year long!

1st egg hunt--Babies R Us
This was the official Easter outfit.

Someone told us to color the eggs in the bathtub--great idea! No mess!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea on the bathtub! We just skipped it altogether; Grandma wasn't eager to have her new kitchen dyed. LOL Will looks so dapper in his Easter duds!
