Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Better Late Than Never

I'm 2 days late with my post, but here's a convicting verse for me...

It is for FREEDOM that Christ set us free! Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1 NIV

Saturday, March 14, 2009

One Year Ago

Although it's been a really busy week, I haven't forgotten that one year and 3 days ago I received one of the best gifts of my life. On March 11, 2008, I was on my way to Jazzercise when my cell phone rang. I didn't know who it was, but decided to answer anyway. I knew there was a small chance that I might be getting this very important (and long awaited!) phone call.

Luckily I wasn't far from my destination. I was sitting in a parking space by the time the special needs coordinator at A Helping Hand could give me the information. "We have a baby who's file you can review. It's a boy." I so wish I could remember everything Dana said word for word, but the main thing that stuck out was, "It's a boy." I scrambled for something, anything to write on, and finally found an old envelope. I scratched down his basic info--name, age, location, and special need.

I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that I was probably going to have a little boy instead of a girl. I'd been working on that idea already since we had agreed we'd take either sex when we applied for the special needs list. But still, after thinking you were most definitely going to have a little girl for three years, it's not easy to make a quick switch. But we knew that we wanted to have a little boy some day. I said John needed to have a boy so he could teach him how to be a gentlemen like John (one of few men who still open the car doors for their wives after 7 years of marriage).

The next two hours I was spinning, dying to get back home to my computer so I could see his face. I went into Jazzercise late, but there was an extra spring in my step. Then I went to visit my father-in-law (who had broken his hip) at the rehabilitation center. It was killing me not to tell him, but I hadn't even told John yet. He was in Atlanta for a work conference. What timing!

Finally I reunited with my computer. This is what I saw.

My first thought was how cute he was! My second was that he could actually be my baby! To be honest, I also had a chuckle about this adorable little boy getting his picture made on a bright pink flower. I tried not to get my hopes up because I hadn't talked to John yet and I knew we had to be on the same page. But I knew I wanted this little sweet guy to be MY little boy. But John was so worried about the money that I was afraid he would say no. Adoption does come with a pretty hefty price tag.

I couldn't wait to see the second and only other picture, so I opened it almost immediately.

Look at those little feet! I zeroed in on them. He might like to play ball. He could stand holding on to something. And a million other thoughts. It's amazing all the information you can glean just from a photo or two when that's all you have. (My mom is especially good at this!)

Then I read his medical info, much of which made absolutely no sense to me, and called my folks. Sorry John, but I just had to tell someone! I talked to my dad. Mom wouldn't be home for a several more minutes, which seemed like eternity. Then I finally talked to John. He had to wait for the computer in the lobby at his hotel to be free before he could even see his picture. I could tell he was excited, but tired... and scared.

I stayed up very late that night assorting the baby stuff we had collected over the past three years into stuff a little boy could use and stuff we had to stow away for a girl.

I wish I could say we went to get him right away, or even signed the papers the next day. But there was another month of calls to Will's future doctor, waiting for more medical info from China, more doctor reviews, etc. All the time with John telling me to be patient and not get too attached yet. Me getting impatient and too attached, deciding that this was going to be my little boy no matter what the doctor said. I had the best news in the world and was trying not to tell anyone but my family about it, carrying around his picture and sneaking peaks while no one was looking.

But thanks to the adoption speed ups before the 2008 Olympics in China, everything from that point on happened at the speed of light. And the rest is history.

I've learned so many things from our adoption experience. Looking in Will's sweet face everyday helps me remember. The best things in life are the things that you don't plan for. I never planned to fall in love with my best friend and marry him. I never planned to adopt a little boy from China. But God has blessed me more than I ever dreamed! We were definitely meant to have a little boy--this little boy, our Will.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

6 Words--Can You Do It?

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm a Beth Moore fan. On her blog, her daughter Melissa discussed a trend (back-in-the-day) among writers/authors to sum up their lives, or in other words to succinctly write their memoir, using only six words.

Here are some of my favorites...

Bumpy road, kissed toad, recovery mode!

Loving this life --Longing for next.

Traumatized caterpillar peeking out of cocoon

Brother's May wedding: Need affordable Liposuction

All for Him and Him for all

Seeing the Sacred in Ordinary Life

I do believe...help my unbelief!

Changing their diapers...building their character

This is a lot harder than it looks. Here's what I finally came up with...

Creative minds are often the messiest.

Diamond in the rough--please shine.

Crazy, curly hair reflects inner chaos.

Two princes here. Waiting for Third.

Beer budget. Champagne taste. Lottery wishes.

Children's laughter is the best medicine.

Thinking out of box sometimes works.

Not crazy--just given different directions.

Now it's your turn...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just for Fun

These are the rules:
1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on the computer
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder
3. Explain the picture
4. Tag 4 people to do the same
5. No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)

Much to my sister's dismay, my nephew, Josh, has always loved and wanted to play football. For the past 3 years, he has played for Lexington Traditional Magnet School. We were asked to take some action shots and do photo collages for some of the teammates. We also got to do a giant team photo. This is one of the action shots. I really enjoyed doing it. Too bad I don't know more about football!

Next year we will begin cheering for Josh at Lafayette High School. I love the atmosphere of high school football and hope we can attend several "Josh-ball" games, as Will is now calling them.

I tag...
1. Kristen
2. Amy
3. Nancy & Dan
4. Jill

Erica, thanks for the fun challenge!

Monday, March 2, 2009

5th Memory Verse

Unfortunately, I'm falling behind in my memorizing a bit. Please pray for me to stick with the memorizing, not just picking them out!

Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

February is usually a big month for us with Valentine's, birthdays, the first glimpse of sunny days, plus those last exciting bits of snow. This month was good, but we have some friends (more than one) who have had some hard times this month. It has been a bit of a wake up call for us, realizing our humanity and that bad things happen to good people. Sometimes I need a reminder that God is going to reward our faithfulness, even when things seem bleak for a time. More important than my reward, I need to remember that I have to keep having faith to please God. He's got his own timing and can see the big picture even when I cannot. Although it is sometimes frustrating, I find it refreshing to realize that I am not in charge of everything!